The History of Coffee: From Ancient Ethiopia to Global Phenomenon
The history and development of coffee as a drink and as a trade is a fascinating journey that spans centuries and encompasses diverse cultures and regions around the world. From its origins in ancient Ethiopia to its global popularity today, coffee has become an integral part of many societies and economies.
In the Bean-ginning
The story of coffee begins in the highlands of Ethiopia, a region called Kaff, where the Coffea Arabica plant is believed to have originated. According to legend, around the 9th century, a goat herder named Kaldi noticed that his goats became more energetic after eating the red cherries from a certain tree. Curiosity led him to try the cherries himself, and he experienced a similar stimulating effect. News of this discovery spread, and the cultivation and consumption of coffee began to spread across the Arabian Peninsula.
Ethiopia is where Coffea Arabica, the coffee plant originates. The plant is now grown in various parts of the world with around 17% of the global supply comes from Ethiopia. This makes coffee an important part of Ethiopia’s economy contributing some 35% of its foreign income. The export income from coffee alone can go up to a quarter of the year’s total export.

Spreading the Beans
Coffee’s popularity grew in the Arab world, where it became an important part of social and cultural life. Coffee houses, known as qahveh khaneh, began to appear in cities like Mocha (now in Yemen) and became popular meeting places for intellectuals, artists, and merchants. These coffee houses facilitated the exchange of ideas and played a crucial role in the development of Arabic literature and the spread of Islamic culture.
By the 15th century, coffee had reached the major trading ports of the Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, including Cairo, Damascus, and Istanbul. Coffee’s reputation as a stimulating beverage and its social significance continued to expand. It was during this time that the process of roasting and grinding coffee beans and brewing the beverage as we know it today began to take shape.
The Beans Conquering the West
Coffee’s journey to the West started in the 17th century when it reached Europe through trade routes established by the Ottoman Empire. The first European coffeehouse opened in Venice in 1645, and from there, the coffee culture rapidly spread across the continent. Coffeehouses became vibrant hubs of intellectual and social activity, fostering discussions, political debates, and the exchange of knowledge. They became an essential part of European cities such as London, Paris, and Vienna.
As coffee’s popularity grew, so did the demand for its cultivation. European colonial powers sought to establish coffee plantations in their colonies to meet the increasing demand. The Dutch were the first to successfully cultivate coffee in their colonies in Java (Indonesia) during the late 17th century. Coffee was then introduced to the Caribbean, Brazil, and other parts of South and Central America.
An English military officer is said to have brought coffee to Malaysia during British Colonisation of Malaysia. Local consumption began to increase in the late 19th century, especially among the Hainanese Chinese community. They established small coffee shops known as kopitiams, a mix of Malay (kopi for coffee) and Chinese dialect (tiam for shop) words. Kopi became a staple with the locals, served with sugar or condensed milk or both in a thick ceramic cup and saucer

Beans as a Global Commodity
The 19th century marked a significant milestone in the coffee trade with the invention of the coffee percolator, the coffee filter, and the espresso machine. These innovations made coffee preparation more efficient and accessible, further fuelling its global popularity.
Coffee became a major global commodity, driving economic development and shaping social structures. The demand for labor on coffee plantations led to the exploitation of enslaved and indentured workers in many regions. Coffee production became a vital part of the economies of countries like Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, and Vietnam, among others.
Instant Coffee & Coffee Chains
In the 20th century, instant coffee was introduced, providing a convenient and accessible option for coffee lovers. Coffee chains and franchises emerged, leading to the widespread availability of coffee in various forms and flavors. Today, coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the world, with millions of people involved in its production, distribution, and consumption.
The history and development of coffee as a drink and as a trade reflect the intricate connections between cultures, economies, and social dynamics. From its humble origins in Ethiopia to its global dominance, coffee’s journey is a testament to its enduring appeal and its ability to bring people together over a simple cup of this beloved beverage.